Friday 13 January 2017

How to get info about specific command on Ubuntu

How to get info about specific command on Ubuntu

If you are ubuntu newbie, you might find difficulty when trying a new command line, let's say you want to use the 'ls' command, you don't know what parameters available for this command and you don't know what this command is about. 

There are two ways to solve this problem, you can take a look at the manual page of the command itself or you can read the info page of that command, all can be done inside the command line itself.

To show manual page for a specific command, you can use the 'man' command, 'man' stands for manual, so you type 'man' followed by the name of the command, here's an example:
man [command-name]
man ls
man df
Besides manual page, there should be also info page for a specific command, to show info page simply run 'info' followed by the name of the command you wish to see.
info [command-name]
Example :
info ls
info pwd

Sometimes 'man' and 'info' are showing the same thing, but there are times that 'info' shows more clear and easy to understand description of the command.


Author & Editor

A technology enthusiast and addictive blogger who likes to hacking tricks and wish to be the best White Hacket Hacker of the World.


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